Alliance Labs Enemeez® Mini Enema, 283g
Enemeez® is a 5ml mini-enema of docusate sodium in a polyethylene glycol base and is dispensed using a soft latex-free tube. The tube has a twist off tip that leaves a smooth surface at the point of insertion. Enemeez® is effective for bowel care needs associated with spinal cord injury and disease, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, spina bifida, long-term care, stroke and constipation. Adults and children 12 years of age and older (with adult supervision), one to three units daily. Children under 12 years of age, consult a physician prior to use.
By implementing Enemeez usage across your facilities, both patients and facility will benefit by the following:
- Fast, predictable results typically in 2-15 minutes1, non-irritating formula. No afterburn.
- Can reduce nursing intervention required for in-patient bowel care; can result in labor cost savings to the facility.2
- Can assist in the improvement of patient care and FIM scores associated with bowel care.
- Can assist in reducing time spent with patient for dressing/redressing due to episodes of incontinence or fecal discharge.2
- Can virtually eliminate episodes of incontinence3. Can assist in reducing complications of wound contamination associated with perianal pressure ulcers.
- No mucosal discharge3; helps to maintain healthy skin integrity.
- Easy rectal usage for patients with reflex issues or nausea.
- Can assist in reducing time missed in therapy/rehabilitation due to episodes of incontinence, prolonged bowel care, or fatigue.2
- Can assist with facility savings on pads, laundry, gowns, sheets, etc. due to incontinence or fecal discharge.
Enemeez® Plus is the same formula as Enemeez® with the addition of 20mg of benzocaine. This formula was developed for patients who experience pain or autonomic dysreflexia during their bowel movements. Enemeez® Plus should not be used when open sores are present.
1. Federal Register / Vol. 50, No. 10 / Tuesday, January 15, 1985 / Proposed Rules; pgs 2124-2158. 2. Rehabilitation Nursing (Dunn KL & Galka ML (1994) Comparison of the Effectiveness of Therevac SB and Bisacodyl Suppositories in SCI Patients Bowel Programs, Rehabil Nurs. 19 (6):334-8. 3. Alliance Labs In-house research. Customer Survey Nov. 6, 2009.